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E for Exercise, Energy and Evidence

barbara bates • Jun 11, 2021
I'm sure you know what I'm going to say. If exercise had just been discovered, and they could bottle it, well, the Government would be putting everybody on it! It's pretty much the best thing you can do for your health, whatever your age. I have just finished reading 'Age is Just a Number' by the award wining nonagerian athlete Charles Eugster, and it was most encouraging - he was really healthy well into his old age. 
You can do exercise even if you are stuck at home, as we all have been for far too long, and personally I have been doing that myself. I've got a good routine now of 30 minutes doing something almost every morning and I aim at a walk outside each day, as the light also is good for us. Even when I don't feel like it, I know I will feel better afterwards, and so I do it. 
Is there something you could fit into your regular routine? 
Energy can certainly be raised by exercise, which is a good thought if like most people you want more of it. From a physiological point of view, there are some basic things to do to keep it topped up, as you probably know, such as enough sleep, a varied diet and social connection. 
It sounds very basic, and it is. But all these things really make a difference. 
In these times of remote working we can also suffer from the energy depletion of Zoom calls, as you probably know! Things we can do to combat that include; minimising your picture so that you are not constantly looking at yourself as well; applying 20-20-20 to reduce eye strain, that is, look away from the screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes at something at least 20 metres away; and, paradoxically, paying attention and not multi-tasking if you're not on video, as this depletes mental energy in itself. 
What do you think could help your energy?
Finally, E for evidence - here I'm considering why we think the things we do. So often they are just not true! Such as, I can't go for a more senior job, I'm not good enough, So-and-so doesn't like me...I am sure we can think of plenty more along these lines. 
But when you really think about it, what evidence do you really have for any of these beliefs? How do they look when you write them down? Would it stand up in court? Would you stake your life on its truth? Probably not?
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